Do you practice law in more than one state? Do you find that the benefits of multi-state licensure outweigh the burdens (CE, licensure fees, travel, etc.)? What advice do you have for other attorneys about a multi-state law practice?
I paid $270 to renew my Kentucky license and $110 for Indiana this month. I attend the Kentucky Law Update (two days of CLE) every year to cover my CLE requirements and its free. Don't ask me the CLE requirements for each state.
Its challenging but enjoyable. I practice law in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. I live in Cincinnati and its about the same distance (90 minutes give or take 15 minutes) for me to drive to Columbus (Ohio Board of Nursing), Indianapolis (Indiana Board of Nursing), or Louisville (Kentucky Board of Nursing). The majority of my cases are in Ohio and Kentucky with just a few in Indiana.
Unlike most licensure defense attorneys, I represent only nurses primarily because I have to stay abreast of law, rules, and standards in the three states. Also I want it my way, like at Burger King, so I decided early on that I wanted to work primarily with other nurses. I practice med mal defense in my big firm days and worked primarily with dentists and physicians.
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